I had a fantastic labor day weekend, and the following week wasn't bad either. One of my fraternity sisters hosted a cookout at her place so I got to see some of my favorite people that I hadn't seen in forever. Monday the 7th I got to celebrate the final Monday of karaoke at the Irish Chanel in Chinatown until after football season. Tuesday the 8th was the Recess at the River hosted by the American Heart Association and affiliate organizations, along with the Mayors office and the Washington Redskins. The Recess at the River took place at Watkins Elementary in SE. There were several stations set up where the kids could learn about hydration, proper eating, and fun ways to exercise. Some players from the Washington Redskins came to do drills with the children, and the Washington Redskins Cheerleader taught them a routine. I got to be the team leader of the purple group. My job was to usher my group from station to station. Me and 23 kids. I was tired, but I had a blast.
Today September 11 has been written into law as a national day of service. It was important for me to volunteer my time to not only honor those who have fallen, the victims and their families, but also to join those all over our country by giving back. Today I had the pleasure of visiting our veterans at the VA hospital in DC and celebrate the 102 birthday of Mrs. Alice Dixson. This remarkable woman served our country in WW2 and has spent the last nine years at the VA. I was there to join representatives from the mayors office, and volunteer organizations from around the city. After the official part of the afternoon (the remarks and citations) we all got enjoy ice cream and cake and sing happy birthday a few dozen times. Every time I go to the VA hospital I always come away with such a sense of fulfillment. I get to meet the most remarkable people and the veterans that you've gone to work with end up brightening your day and reminding you how important it is be positive and to count your blessings. One young lady asked Mrs. Dixson, what is the key to living a long and healthy life? She replied "be kind."