12/03 was a busy day for me. That afternoon I volunteered at the Mayors Turkey Giveaway. Thankfully that was a fairly mild day with the occasional wind gust. The giveaway was designed to assist the needy and elderly of the District during the holiday season. People were lined up in side and in several lines outside the DC armory. I got the chance to talk to some of the people that came out, and tried to encourage them through the long wait. The volunteers with the Mayors office are amazing people and always have a need for more.
That evening I switched gears and got dressed up for the Union Station Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. The Norwegian Embassy has been decorating Union Station for the holidays for 13 years. This is Norway's way of thanking DC for it's assistance during World War 2 and to acknowledge the participation of Norwegian Americans in the war and how they aided the US army and stopped a potential ambush by the German army. Present were representatives from the Army and the Norwegian Embassy as well as the Mayors office. Special Guest General Casey, Secretary of the Army was present to give awards and highlight the importance of the occasion.