Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MLK Day of Service

Yesterday 1/18 the nation celebrated the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, and the District celebrated his birthday as an official day of service. There were over a thousand service activities happening all over the city. I participated in the the We Feed Our People event which has been an MLK tradition for over 20 year. Happily this was my third time working with this event. The brothers of Omega Psi Phi along with Serve DC with mayors office came together to make this event really special. Headed by volunteers in the fraternity, people get together over the weekend and cook all the food that is to be served to the homeless community. I helped with the cooking which is always fun because you get a chance to hang out with the other volunteers in a very chill setting. Monday morning there is an opening ceremony where the volunteers hear speeches by representatives from Omega Psi Phi, the mayors office and the presidents office who remind us of why we are all gathered together to make life better for all people. After the opening remarks everyone goes out to serve, listen to music and fellowship.